Dissertations may be found using a variety of search tools. Below are a few tips.
ProQuest: Go to Proquest > Scroll down to the Source Type (left side under Location), click the "Dissertation/Thesis" box > Add the title of the dissertation you need in the Advanced Search box at the top of the page, or using the dropdown menu on the right to search on your topic.
Request needed items not available in full text from Interlibrary loan.
WorldCat follow the steps below or use the WorldCat Dissertations Search widget.
Go to https://georgefox.on.worldcat.org/advancedsearch > Find the "Limit your search" link on the left under the search fields > Scroll down and set the "Content" limiter to "Thesis/Dissertation" > Run a search using appropriate terms > Request desired items from George Fox via interlibrary loan > Note: The Interlibrary loan department will try to obtain the dissertation in print format, when the print is not available to loan, a digital copy of the dissertation will be sent to your email.
Dissertations from the George Fox University Doctor of Education Program (scroll to browse)
Snapshot of a real time map of EDD Dissertation highlighting usage/impact (as of 2021):