Why Search Here?
One of our two primary databases for religious studies, ministry, and theology, ATLA offers strong coverage on a variety of topics, and allows searching by subject or scripture citation (not just the Bible).
What's Included?
Journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Steadily increasing coverage of world religions and global Christianity.
Why Search Here?
One of our two primary databases for religious studies and theology, use ProQuest Religion to find articles and disseratations.
What's Included?
Titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.
Why Search Here?
You want deep backfiles of journals across disciplines, especially humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Note: if you need the most current articles, look elsewhere. Most journals have five-year embargoes, but go back to the beginning of print runs.
What's Included?
In addition to the 2,800 top scholarly journals and 100,000+ ebooks, you'll find ArtStor's Public Collections, primary sources, and open access monographs, etc.