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Trauma Informed Teaching for Faculty: Physical Body & Health


This month we are focusing our trauma-Informed teaching training with important knowledge of how trauma affects the body and physical health. It is important for us to recognize the impact trauma has on how the body functions, and how it can begin to heal. Michelle shares with us the impact Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have on adult health. Erin takes time to walk us through the Polyvagal System and how extended time spent in the fight, flight, or freeze state impacts our health. We also explore how mindfulness, yoga, martial arts, and other activities can help move the body into a state of social engagement to increase social, emotional, psychological, and physical health.

Polyvagal Theory (Erin Johnson)

The Polyvagal Theory, Explained (17 min)

Trauma - Healing (16 min)

ACEs & Adult Health (Michelle Deeg-Davis)

Bessell van der Kolk: Overcome Trauma With Yoga (6 min)
