Scholarly work is often published as journal articles, which you can find by searching in various databases. Each database allows you to search a particular set of scholarly journals. You will want to cast your net wide at first, trying various search words (keywords) and browsing through the results in each database. If you are unfamiliar with scholarly research articles, you might check out the video below.
Need a refresher on how to search in our databases? Check out the Research Strategies page of this guide.
Why Search Here?
One of our two primary databases for religious studies, ministry, and theology, ATLA offers strong coverage on a variety of topics, and allows searching by subject or scripture citation (not just the Bible).
What's Included?
Journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Steadily increasing coverage of world religions and global Christianity.
Why Search Here?
One of our two primary databases for religious studies and theology, use ProQuest Religion to find articles and disseratations.
What's Included?
Titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.
Why Search Here?
You need to find literature in anthropology, criminology, economics, international relations, political science, public policy, social work, or sociology. Especially useful if your topic falls under more than one of those topics.
What's Included?
Abstracts, indexing, and full-text coverage of journal articles, books, and dissertations in the fields of politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education
Why Search Here?
You are looking for literature in sociology or social work. This is the authoritative platform for sociology and includes leading social work journals.
What's Included?
Articles from over 3000 journals, most of which are peer-reviewed.
Why Search Here?
You want to run an efficient, interdisciplinary search of academic literature across the web. Scholar integrates with other academic resources and citation tools.
What's Included?
Freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across a wide array of publishing formats and disciplines. This link includes the setting to connect search results to George Fox holdings (Find it @ George Fox links).
Learn more in our Google Scholar guide. (
Why Search Here?
You want deep backfiles of journals across disciplines, especially humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Note: if you need the most current articles, look elsewhere. Most journals have five-year embargoes, but go back to the beginning of print runs.
What's Included?
In addition to the 2,800 top scholarly journals and 100,000+ ebooks, you'll find ArtStor's Public Collections, primary sources, and open access monographs, etc.