Not all of the articles indexed in PubMed have the full text freely available. If/When you encounter articles that are not freely available through PubMed, here is how you can access the articles:
This is not an exhaustive list of PT-related journals accessible through the various library-licensed databases. These titles are subscribed to by the GFU Library, and are in addition to the OVID/Lippincott PT journals.
Databases below contain full-text articles for your research papers, and for locating evidence-based practice literature.
Why Search Here?
You want to search the medical science literature with a built-in focus on nursing and allied health articles. You can use MeSH subject terms in your search.
What's Included?
Articles from thousands of the top nursing and allied health journals including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association.
Why Search Here?
You want to search for the most recent controlled trials.
What's Included?
Contains controlled trials pulled from PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL,, WHO ICTRP, and several other sources, and updated on a monthly basis
Why Search Here?
You want to search Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Database of Systematic Reviews at once.
What's Included?
Cochrane Library Contains the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews at once, along with Cochrane Clinical Answers, a point-of-care decision making tool (not as robust as UpToDate), and Cochrane Methodology Register (ceased updates in 2012).
Why Search Here?
You are looking for the highest quality systematic reviews. You can use MeSH subject terms in your search.
What's Included?
Contains peer-reviewed systematic reviews and protocols prepared according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, the gold standard in systematic reviews.
Why Search Here?
MEDLINE via EBSCO searches the same body of literature as PubMed, but without ahead-of-print or in-process citations. Indexed with the MeSH subject headings. Unlikely you will need to search both MEDLINE and PubMed. Use if you prefer the EBSCO search interface.
What's Included?
Fully indexed and peer reviewed journal articles relating to health science, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences
Why Search Here?
You are conducting research in the medical sciences, biology, engineering, or other STEM fields. Powerful searching available with the MeSH index of subject headings, which is available in its most browsable form via PubMed.
What's Included?
Abstracting and indexing database for articles relating to health science, the allied health fields, and the biological and physical sciences. PubMed is a version of the database MEDLINE that has been made freely available by the National Library of Medicine, and which includes some additional content. Full text links provide access to George Fox-owned content and/or help you to place an Interlibrary Loan request.
Why Search Here?
You want to browse a particular journal or set of journals published by Elsevier. Search here if you need to supplement your previous searches in PubMed, Google Scholar, or the GFU library catalog (Primo).
What's Included?
Contains abstracts of journal articles and e-books published by Elsevier. All titles are accessible through a GFU library catalog search or interlibrary loan request.
Why Search Here?
Recommended database for all those researching topics related to kinesiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and biomedical engineering.
What's Included?
Contains abstracted and indexed articles from over 600 journals, over 400 of them peer reviewed. Full text available via links to George Fox library holdings or by ILL request.
Critical Appraisal Worksheets: interactive forms for evaluating articles related to diagnosis, e-prognosis, harm, systematic reviews, and therapy (developed by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine). Available in a variety of languages.