Limit your search to "Randomized Control Trials" in the following databases:
Overview of advanced searching in EBSCO's CINAHL database.
The following searches were completed through the library's Primo system, PubMed, or other subject-specific databases (such as EBSCO's CINAHL with Full Text, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, SportDiscus with Full Text).
Why Search Here?
You want to search Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Database of Systematic Reviews at once.
What's Included?
Cochrane Library Contains the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews at once, along with Cochrane Clinical Answers, a point-of-care decision making tool (not as robust as UpToDate), and Cochrane Methodology Register (ceased updates in 2012).
This tutorial provides an animated overview on the process for formatting a PICO question/statement. Also, watch the video below on using PubMed (through the George Fox University library) to format PICO-based search strategies.
Watch this 6 minute, 25 second video tutorial on how to format your PICO into an effective search in the CINAHL database. Close captioning is available.