Why Search Here?
This is the broadest database we offer to search explicitly on education topics across grades and educator roles. Particularly useful for the additional indexing and description of its contents.
What's Included?
Provides access to research journal articles, trade and professional publications, monographs, conference papers, and more. Includes most, but not all of the journals indexed in ERIC.
Why Search Here?
You are researching in business, law, or current events, especially if you are looking for legal commentary.
What's Included?
More than 17,000 news, business, and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
Why Search Here?
You did not find what you were looking for in APA PsycINFO. This tool offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counseling.
What's Included?
Hundreds of full-text psychology journals, about half of which are indexed in APA PsycInfo.
Why Search Here?
You are looking for literature in sociology or social work. This is the authoritative platform for sociology and includes leading social work journals.
What's Included?
Articles from over 3000 journals, most of which are peer-reviewed.
Why Search Here?
This resource searches collections included in other EBSCO databases, meaning it searches across many disciplines at once. Use this for early research or for interdisciplinary topics. Also consider ProQuest Central or Library Search/Primo.
What's Included?
Articles from over 13,000 journals and supplementary resources like monographs, reports, and conference proceedings across, science, social science, and the humanities.