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George Fox University Libraries Zine Collection: Home

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Photo of selected zines from the George Fox University Libraries Zine Collection.

Build the Collection

The Art & Design Liaison Librarian is the selector for the Zine Collection. The University Zine Collection contains zines about the Pacific Northwest (people, culture, social movements, myths, and history), zine history and creation, art and design, as well as zines created by George Fox University faculty and students. Student work is submitted by a sponsoring faculty member. George Fox Zines will be digitized and made available in the Digital Commons. 

DONATE. The selection of materials for the collection from items received as gifts will be governed by the same criteria that govern the selection of purchased items. The library reserves the right to dispose of duplicate and unwanted material as it sees fit, unless prior arrangements have been made. George Fox Libraries will not be responsible for a monetary statement to the donor for tax purposes; however, a gift acknowledgment form can be provided to the donor. If you’d like to contribute to the Zine Collection, email to connect with the Art & Design librarian.

About the Zine Collection

What's a Zine?

Zines are creatively constructed independently published booklets made by individuals or small groups. Zines are characterized by their unique content, varying methods of small scale, low budget production, and informal channels of distribution (often independent presses, small bookstores, zine distributors (distros), zine fests, and from creators themselves). Zines often present personal narratives or information on lifestyles, activities, culture, histories, and subcultures that are underrepresented in mainstream media.

About the Collection

The University Zine Collection is a growing collection of zines dating from 2003 to the present that cover a wide range of topics, including the Pacific Northwest regional history, culture, personal narratives, social movements, literature, mythologies, and history; zine history, culture, and creation; art, architecture, and design topics; Christianity, faith, and religious thought.


Photo of the George Fox University Libraries Zine Collection.

Plan a Visit

The Zine Collection is open to public use during regular library hours where they are stored in the Murdock Library Special Collections Room in Newberg, Oregon. Zines are library use only unless authorized by the University Archivist or Art & Design Liaison Librarian.

Your Librarian

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Dustin Kelley
Murdock Library 116
Box 6109