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SWRK 391 & 392 Social Work Practice: Literature Review

Why This Assignment?

Why You Are Assigned a Literature Review:

Course Outcomes

Identify a variety of theory-based interventions designed to empower group members to achieve their goals.

•Research a problem area of interest affecting individuals and design a 6-week group intervention to address their needs.

BSW Degree Outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge, skills and values necessary to understand and affect the interrelationship between an individual and his/her environment at the macro, mezzo and micro levels.

Be prepared for graduate social work education and will be committed to continual development in their professional field.

CSWE Competency 4

• Acquire the social work ethics, values, skills and knowledge needed to analyze and understand the development and interrelationship of diverse world views, issues in social justice, and basic human needs

Be prepared for graduate social work education and will be committed to continual development in their professional field

University Mission George Fox University, a  Christ-centered community, prepares students spiritually, academically, and  professionally to think with clarity,  act with integrity, and serve with passion.

What is a Literature Review?

The resources listed below provide an overview of the purpose and construction of a literature review.

Example Literature Reviews

Most professional articles contain a literature review at the beginning.  Two examples are below.


Sample articles with lit reviews:

Schmidt, I. D. (2014). Addressing PTSD in Low-Income Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Moving toward a Comprehensive Intervention. Social Work59(3), 253–260. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swu016


Peterson, Tina L. (2017). Changes in Health Perceptions among Older Grandparents Raising Adolescent Grandchildren. Social Work in Public Health, 32(6), 394–406. https://doi.org/10.1080/19371918.2017.1327389

Writing the Literature Review, Part 1