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MGOL 401 Organizational Behavior: Find Articles

Video - Choosing EBSCO Databases 1min.17 sec.

Demo on choosing more than one EBSCO article database to search simultaneously. Note: the link is no longer on the library homepage but you can find it here: Search ALL EBSCO Databases 

Video - EBSCOhost New UI - Advanced Search: 4: 37

Note: The Advanced Search begin 42 seconds into the video.

Video - Using the EBSCOhost Result List 3 min.39 sec.

Video - How to Search by Journal Title 1 min.14 sec.

Individual Business Journals

Journal Examples from GFU Library Subscription Databases

Harvard Business Review Full text: 10/01/1922 to present - Publication Type: Periodical

Written for upper level management. Presents analysis of management problems and helpful commentary on advanced thinking and practice in all fields of management and administration.

Journal of Organizational Behavior Full Text: 1980 to present (with a 12 Month delay) *Full text delay due to publisher restrictions ("embargo")

Research, theory and review in industrial/organizational psychology and organizational behavior fields including motivation, work performance, job design, occupational stress, personnel selection, organizational structure and managerial behavior.

The Leadership Quarterly Full Text: 01/01/1995 to present - Publication Type: Academic Journal

Stresses theory and empirical research on effective leadership in all walks of life. Publishes scholarly research and developmental applications from fields of inquiry about leadership.

Wall Street Journal
Indexing and full text of the WSJ from 1985 to the present.

Popular EBSCO Databases

Examples of database searches