Here's a list of the essential resources that you will need for the Physician Assistant program. Check the Index of Resources for a comprehensive list, or navigate through the tabs based upon your need.
Why Search Here?
You are looking for current evidence-based information on medical topics, along with expert opinion to support your clinical decision making. UpToDate is our primary point-of-care resource at George Fox (along with Micromedex).
Note: When accessing for the first time, all users must register an individual account. See LibGuide for detailed instructions.
What's Included?
Entries on over 12,400 topics, continuously updated and reviewed, covering internal medicine, pediatrics, patient education, drug information, etc. Graphics are included for most topics. Links to abstracts of supporting evidence are given, and evidence is ranked on a quality scale. Tools for calculating drug dosage and interactions are available.
Why Search Here?
You need to access assigned readings from Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, or from other key texts.
What's Included?
Access Medicine provides medical textbooks, cases, and study resources for medical education.
Why Search Here?
Watch videos that demonstrate a “patient-first” approach to the physical exam.
What's Included?
Videos are focused on physical examination techniques, building communication & interpersonal skills, and helping you hone skills for the OSCE.
Why Search Here?
You want to search the medical science literature with a built-in focus on nursing and allied health articles. You can use MeSH subject terms in your search.
What's Included?
Articles from thousands of the top nursing and allied health journals including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association.
Why Search Here?
This is the full text of the DSM-V, which is used by health professionals, social workers, and forensic and legal specialists to diagnose and classify mental disorders.
What's Included?
Full text of the DSM-V, the Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, DSM-V Clinical Cases, and older versions of the DSM.
Why Search Here?
You need to consult a textbook for a course (all of which can also be found by searching in Primo)
What's Included?
A collection of e-books covering topics in medical science. Also offers videos about patient assessments, case documents relating to ebook content, and images.
Why Search Here?
You need evidence based reference information on a medication, or need to calculate drug dosage. A recommended point-of-care resource (along with UpToDate).
What's Included?
Current information on drugs and medication. Tools for comparing drugs and calculating dosage. Includes RED BOOK for drug pricing and manufacturer information.
Why Search Here?
You are conducting research in the medical sciences, biology, engineering, or other STEM fields. Powerful searching available with the MeSH index of subject headings, which is available in its most browsable form via PubMed.
What's Included?
Abstracting and indexing database for articles relating to health science, the allied health fields, and the biological and physical sciences. PubMed is a version of the database MEDLINE that has been made freely available by the National Library of Medicine, and which includes some additional content. Full text links provide access to George Fox-owned content and/or help you to place an Interlibrary Loan request.