Use the link above to search your topic and have Google Scholar recognize you as a George Fox user, and link to our full text subscriptions. Google Scholar indexes a broad array of scholarly literature and can be useful for citation counts (article importance/impact) and is helpful in learning terminology.
An excellent option for using Google Scholar to connect to library databases is described below.
Link your Google account to the George Fox Library, so the “Find it at George Fox U” links will always appear – even if you don’t start your search from our Google Scholar link above.
To configure your settings manually, use the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Click the three lines in the top left corner.
3. Click "Settings".
4. Click "Library Links".
5. Search for George Fox University. Check the “George Fox University - Find it at George Fox U” box.
6. Save your settings.
You can now continue to search and should see the Find it at George Fox U links next to articles we have access to. You may also try clicking the article title directly and if we have access may be taken to the full text article on the publisher's site.
Note: If you are unable to access the full text of an article directly from Google Scholar, copy and paste the title into Primo, the main search box on our library home page. This applies to book titles shown in Google Scholar as well. Often the titles will be found in Primo and if not, the title record will allow you to sign in and request the article via Interlibrary loan. You should not have to pay for access to an article while at George Fox.
The above link contains over 34,000 peer-reviewed articles on PTSD. Add additional terms such as Military, domestic violence, abuse, etc. to further narrow your results. Or narrow by date:
Search our APA Psychology databases, APA PsycInfo and APA PsycArticles, below simultaneously. If your topic has an education focus, e.g., school shootings AND trauma, you may want to consider also adding Education Source and ERIC databases. - Note: Those seeking qualitative or quantitative research articles should use the two APA databases below which include a Methodology limiter.
Why Search Here?
You did not find what you were looking for in APA PsycINFO. This tool offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counseling.
What's Included?
Hundreds of full-text psychology journals, about half of which are indexed in APA PsycInfo.