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147 Databases

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  • Good Starting Place

Why Search Here?
This resource searches collections included in other EBSCO databases, meaning it searches across many disciplines at once. Use this for early research or for interdisciplinary topics. Also consider ProQuest Central or Library Search/Primo.

What's Included?
Articles from over 13,000 journals and supplementary resources like monographs, reports, and conference proceedings across, science, social science, and the humanities.

Why Search Here?
You're looking for documentaries, how-tos, or other non-fiction video content.

What's Included?
More than 67,000 video titles on anthropology, business, counseling, film health, history, music, and more curated for the educational experience of all types of library patrons.

Why Search Here?
You need to access assigned readings from Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, or from other key texts.

What's Included?
Access Medicine provides medical textbooks, cases, and study resources for medical education.

Why Search Here?
You need professional or scholarly literature in the fields of accounting, tax, banking, or financial services. Also great for staying current in these fields.

What's Included?
Top journals, reference reports, proceedings, dissertations, and more. Includes titles not found in other databases.

Why Search Here?
You're looking for the latest news and information from the American Chemical Society

What's Included?
All American Chemical Society publications, from articles, to journals, eBooks, scientific programs, and the news magazine C&EN Global Enterprise (formerly Chemical & Engineering News).

Why Search Here?
You are doing scholarship specifically relating to advanced technology topics.

What's Included?
Full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceeding, dissertations, and government publications. Topics covered include aeronautics, astronautics, communications, computer and information technology, electronics, lasers, solid-state materials and devices, space sciences, and telecommunications.

Why Search Here?
You're looking for articles to support your research in agriculture and related areas.

What's Included?
Citations for journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports.

Why Search Here:
You are looking for historical periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society, detailing American history and culture from the mid-18th century through the late-19th century.

What's Included:
This collection of databases includes content from American history, religion, advertising, music, and science. In addition to magazines and newspapers, you'll find books, sheet music, pamphlets, broadsides, and graphic arts.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for critical and biographical analysis of American Literature from the Scribner Writer Series.

What's Included?
The contributors analyze many individual works and engage the reader with their distinctive themes and stylistic. Introductory essays and chronological tables open each volume and provide historical background.

Why Search Here?
You are looking exclusively for articles published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

What's Included?
Full-text, peer-reviewed articles on topics in psychology from APA-published journals, the Educational Publishing Foundation and more. Consider searching APA PsycINFO, as it includes all of these records and more.

Why Search Here?
You want to read online books on the behavioral and social sciences. Find the most current works from APA as well as classic works.

What's Included?
An extensive collection of DRM-free (downloadable) full-text eBooks. Updated monthly with new scholarly and professional titles.

  • Indexed Database

Why Search Here?
This is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Users can limit a search by psychology-related categories, including age group, methodology, classification codes and population groups.

What's Included?
Indexes scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations. Journal coverage spans from the 1800s to the present.

Why Search Here?
You are researching with the lens of the caring professions and need social science and health information for practical or academic use. Particularly useful if ProQuest Social Science returned too many results.

What's Included?
Indexed citations and abstracts of literature covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations, social work, and education. Part of ProQuest Social Sciences.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for scholarly sources and want something a bit more specific to the humanities than our general databases. This database features 550 full text titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.

What's Included?
As well as over 460 full text scholarly journals from publishers such as Cambridge University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, and Springer Nature, it also contains relevant magazines such as Vogue, the New York Times Book Review, and Sight & Sound and trade journals including Publisher’s Weekly and Canadian Architect. It is designed to complement the following indexes: ABM, Avery, BHA, BHI, DAAI, Index Islamicus, MLA, Philosopher's Index and RILM.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available research in the arts and humanities. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals. Subjects include history, religion, creative writing, music, literature, art and design, philosphy, and theatre.

What's Included?
Over 575,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 270,000 authors at 489 institutions around the world on topics related to the arts and humanities. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
One of our two primary databases for religious studies, ministry, and theology, ATLA offers strong coverage on a variety of topics, and allows searching by subject or scripture citation (not just the Bible).

What's Included?
Journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Steadily increasing coverage of world religions and global Christianity.


Why Search Here?
Watch videos that demonstrate a “patient-first” approach to the physical exam.

What's Included?
Videos are focused on physical examination techniques, building communication & interpersonal skills, and helping you hone skills for the OSCE. 

Why Search Here?
Find videos and written material to help you prepare to interact with clients

What's Included?
Videos of clinical mental health demonstrations, actual therapy sessions, and documentaries on the human condition. Also includes psychotherapy transcripts, client narratives and access to reference works.

Why Search Here?
Helpful for supplementing or focusing your research, after consulting more general sources.

What's Included?
Articles from over 200 journals and 360 e-books covering the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences, with an emphasis on open access content.


Why Search Here?
You are searching for images that you can include on slide decks, printed projects, etc. within a GFU context. Uses not permitted include any commercial activity or distributing images outside of GFU (see Terms & Conditions). If you ever need to request an image in a higher resolution, contact Dustin Kelley at 

What’s Included?
Over 3 million images spanning disciplines and mediums from some of the world’s leading museums, galleries, and private collections. You can create slideshows within the database or download images (citing correctly, of course).  

Why Search Here?
You are looking for critical and biographical analysis of British, Irish, and Commonwealth literature from the 14th-century to the present. From the Scribner Writer Series.

What's Included?
The contributors analyze many individual works and engage the reader with their distinctive themes. Introductory essays and chronological tables open each volume and provide historical background.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available research related to business. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals.

What's Included?
Over 145,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 100,000 authors at 457 institutions around the world on topics related to business. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for scholarly or trade literature in any business discipline. This is one of two primary databases for research in business, and particularly recommended for students at the graduate level.

What's Included?
Thousands of journals in all business disciplines (including economics), plus industry reports, company profiles, country reports, case studies, market research reports, SWOT analyses, and more.  Searchable by subject, industry, and company names. Includes Harvard Business Review.


Why Search Here?
You want to evaluate scholarly journals to determine where to publish. May also be useful for researchers hoping to learn more about the journal a source was published in.

What's Included?
Journal info, evaluation metrics, and manuscript and submission details for almost 5000 journals in the fields of Accounting, Marketing, Economics/Finance, Psychology, and Management. Compare with Ulrich's.

Why Search Here?
You are getting started and want to find full-text access to background information on a wide range of subjects featuring a historical element.

What's Included?
A reference collection spanning 350 volumes in 10 subject areas. Individual books titled the “Cambridge History of...”

Why Search Here?
You need help writing a paper, especially in the disciplines of theology, journalism, history, or the arts. This is the place to learn more about Chicago or Turabian style citations.

What's Included?
The full text of the Chicago Manual of Style, with brief notes about Turabian.

Why Search Here?
You want to keep up with what's happening in the field of higher education.

What's Included?
Site license access to including articles and essays dating back to 1989, opinion pieces from leaders in higher education, and some access to special issues reports. Create a free personal account for additional access and functionality.

Why Search Here?
You want to search the medical science literature with a built-in focus on nursing and allied health articles. You can use MeSH subject terms in your search.

What's Included?
Articles from thousands of the top nursing and allied health journals including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association.

Why Search Here?
You want to search for the most recent controlled trials.

What's Included?
Contains controlled trials pulled from PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL,, WHO ICTRP, and several other sources, and updated on a monthly basis

Why Search Here?
You are looking for the highest quality systematic reviews. You can use MeSH subject terms in your search.

What's Included?
Contains peer-reviewed systematic reviews and protocols prepared according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, the gold standard in systematic reviews.

Why Search Here?
You want to search Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Database of Systematic Reviews at once.

What's Included?
Cochrane Library Contains the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews at once, along with Cochrane Clinical Answers, a point-of-care decision making tool (not as robust as UpToDate), and Cochrane Methodology Register (ceased updates in 2012).

Why Search Here?
You are looking for up-to-date information on relationships between chemicals, genes, and human diseases.

What's Included?
Search by chemical, disease, or gene. Includes tools to visual relationships between selected terms.

Why Search Here?
You want to do scholarly research related to computing and technology.

What's Included?
Full-text content from nearly 300 journals and magazines covering topics such as computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software. Computer Source provides a balance of full text technical journals and full text consumer computer titles.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
You are looking for health effects information or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for products used in the home (also includes some chemicals used in commercial institutional settings) that contain chemicals.

What's Included?
Label Information, Manufacturer Information, Ingredients, Health Effects, and Storage and Disposal Information, and Properties and health studies for the chemical ingredients of brands. This database does not contain any information about foods or pharmaceuticals.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for authoritative information on birds. Also consider the companion app, Merlin.

What's Included?
Provides comprehensive life history information on birds with image and video galleries showing behaviors, habitat, nests, eggs and nestlings, and bird songs.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for primary sources in the field of counseling, psychology, or mental health. This collection connects transcripts from actual therapy and counseling sessions with personal narratives and secondary reference texts to illustrate a range of therapeutic techniques and offer contextual insight into the experience of those undergoing therapy and living with mental illness.

What's Included?
Transcripts, first-person narratives (diaries, letters, autobiographies, oral histories, and personal memoirs), and reference works. New material added regularly.

Why Search Here?
You want videos that cover actual client interaction scenarios and techniques. This platform allows you to search and browse by client age, diagnosis, therapy type, counselor gender, and more.

What's Included?
More than 2,400 hours of streaming video footage from actual therapy sessions, training videos, and reenactments conducted by renowned counseling professionals.  Full rolling transcripts available.

Why Search Here?
You want to read research reports about today's most controversial topics, with in-depth and non-biased coverage.

What's Included?
Reports related to social, economic, political, and environmental issues. Thousands of archived historical reports in their Archive. 

Why Search Here?
You need a quick and credible answer, are gathering information about a new topic, looking for a list of recommended reading in an area, or looking for a definition or overview.

What's Included?
Over 2 million full text articles from over 900 dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, popular and scholarly encyclopedias, quote books and atlases, plus a wide range or subject-specific titles covering everything from accounting to zoology.


Why Search Here?
This is the full text of the DSM-V, which is used by health professionals, social workers, and forensic and legal specialists to diagnose and classify mental disorders.

What's Included?
Full text of the DSM-V, the Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, DSM-V Clinical Cases, and older versions of the DSM.


Why Search Here?
You want to browse only the eBooks available from EBSCO. We recommend using Library Search/Primo to see eBook results from all of our platforms.

What's Included?
Over 250,000 titles from across the disciplines.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available education research. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals.

What's Included?
Over 365,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 235,000 authors at 490 institutions around the world on topics related to education. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You're looking for resources in the field of education and either did not find what you wanted in ERIC or Education Source OR prefer the ProQuest platform for searching.

What's Included?
Articles from journals and professional publications, and dissertations. Coverage includes adult education, elementary education, higher education, homeschooling, secondary education, special needs education, and teacher education. 

Why Search Here?
This is the broadest database we offer to search explicitly on education topics across grades and educator roles. Particularly useful for the additional indexing and description of its contents.

What's Included?
Provides access to research journal articles, trade and professional publications, monographs, conference papers, and more. Includes most, but not all of the journals indexed in ERIC.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available engineering research. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals.

What's Included?
Over 195,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 255,000 authors at 391 institutions around the world on topics related to engineering. You can also "Follow" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, and is an authoritative standard in the field of education. With its powerful indexing, it is particularly useful for focused searching on a given topic. In addition to the standard EBSCO filters, ERIC allows you to filter by Intended Audience, Education Level, and ERIC Number (EJ).

What's Included?
Journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers. Consider Education Source for more broad searching.


Why Search Here?
You want to find scholarly journal articles written in Spanish. Hosted by EBSCO, this is especially useful for more recent research, 2000-present.

What's Included?
Full-text journals from Latin America, Portugal and Spain that cover many academic disciplines.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for overviews of a topic, especially those written for a K-8 audience.

What's Included?
Over 25,000 encyclopedic entries from the encyclopedia of the same name (published by WorldBook).


Why Search Here?
You want to decide what books to read next, especially for popular and juvenile literature.

What's Included?
Readers advisory help: read-alikes, reviews, award winners, and themed book lists.

Why Search Here?
You are writing a business plan, or looking for resources covering starting, operating, and maintaining a business from financing, management, marketing, accounting, taxes, and more. Primarly addressed to practitioners, content is organized according to type and topic for ease of navigation.

What's Included?
Sample business plans, eBooks, articles from journals and magazines, directories, podcasts & radio, news, glossary terms, and recommended website listings, all focused on small business needs.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for industry or company reports, including investment information, you need case studies in the area of business, or you are looking for trade or scholarly articles (consider searching ProQuest One Business or Business Source Complete for more).

What's Included?
Company and industry profiles, market research, investment and financial reports, case studies, and articles from top magazines and industry journals. Offers a comparison tool and excellent filters within a slightly smaller collection than our primary business databases.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for coverage of current and prominent topics. We recommend searching this database after CQ Researcher.

What's Included?
Full-text coverage of topics ranging from Terrorism to Endangered Species, Stem Cell Research to Gun Control. Features pro and con viewpoint articles, reference articles that provide context, full-text magazines, academic journals, and newspapers, primary source documents, government and organizational statistics, multimedia, including images and podcasts, links to hand-selected web sites, and more.

Why Search Here?
You are researching authors and specific works of literature and are looking for scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals. An excellent companion to the more scholarly MLA International Bibliography with Full Text database.

What's Included?
The series that comprise Gale Literature Criticism represent a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres.

Why Search Here?
You want international coverage of full-text literature, especially poetry.  Over half of all content is still under copyright, so it is more than a Public Domain repository.

What's Included?
Including more than 13,000 full-text poems and nearly 700,000 poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. Biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary are also included.

Why Search Here?
You are looking to learn about children's book authors.

What's Included?
Illustrated biographical profiles of children's authors and artists from 1970-current.

Why Search Here?
You are studying law, law enforcement, or terrorism, or sociology, and didn't find what you needed in larger databases.

What's Included?
Articles from academic journals, magazines, and news sources in the field of Criminal Justice.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for literature in economics and related fields and haven't found what you need in Business Source Complete.

What's Included?
Academic journal and magazine articles with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index.

Why Search Here?
You want to learn more about the history of George Fox University (GFU) or the Northwest Meeting of Friends Church (NWYM).

What's Included?
Artifacts and manuscript collections related to GFU and NWYM. You will find documents, photographs, videos, memorabilia, etc. These are just a small taste of our collections. For more information, see our Archives page.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
You want to find dissertations, theses, or other culminating projects written by George Fox University students.

What's Included?
Dissertations, portfolios, and theses from the following programs: Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Leadership, Doctor of Management, Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc), Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), & Seminary Masters Degrees

Why Search Here?
Identify a given bacteria using the decision tree lab tool. Digestible summaries of diseases, drugs, vaccines, and other epidemiological subjects.

What's Included?
Contains up-to-date information on epidemiological subjects, lab tools to identify pathogens, tools to diganosis diseases, and geographic visualization tools.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for health related information covering countries in the developing world.

What's Included?
Contains biomedical and public health literature produced by and within low-middle income countries. Includes the WHO regional indexes: AIM, IMEMR, IMSEAR, LILACS, and WPRO.

Why Search Here?
You are researching a particular country (or countries) and need to know about trade, culture, history, language, travel, education, and more.

What's Included?
175 Country Guides covering 119 categories including: Culture and Society, Business Culture, Travel Essentials, Education, Embassies, Food, History, Holidays and Festivals, Human Rights, Language, Maps, Life Cycles, Money and Banking, Music, Name Structure, Religion, Security, and Local Transportation

Why Search Here?
You want to run an efficient, interdisciplinary search of academic literature across the web. Scholar integrates with other academic resources and citation tools.

What's Included?
Freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across a wide array of publishing formats and disciplines. This link includes the setting to connect search results to George Fox holdings (Find it @ George Fox links).
Learn more in our Google Scholar guide. (

Why Search Here?
Your research is focused on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and related topics.

What's Included?
Contains journal articles, magazine articles, books, and reports


Why Search Here?
You are researching topics related to Nursing or Allied Health and need to supplement previous searches in CINAHL, PubMed/MEDLINE, and SPORTDIscus

What's Included?
Nearly 550 full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines


Why Search Here?
Check out Fuente Académica first, but Informe Académico also provides access to scholarly articles written in Spanish (also Portuguese).

What's Included?
Full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America.

Why Search Here?
Inter-Play provides easy access to the locations of printed plays in collections, anthologies, and periodicals. Most of the plays cited are not indexed in the standard printed play indexes such as Ottemiller's Index to Plays in Collections or H.W. Wilson's Play Index.

What's Included?
Indexes citations for international plays and playwrights in collections, anthologies, and periodicals held by the Portland State University Library. No longer updated as of December 2013.

Why Search Here?
The International Phonetic Alphabet catalog is the largest of its kind and a great resource for classical singers and educators.

What's Included?
With 15,794 titles, IPA source is the largest collection of transcribed song and aria texts on the web.


Why Search Here?
You want deep backfiles of journals across disciplines, especially humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Note: if you need the most current articles, look elsewhere. Most journals have five-year embargoes, but go back to the beginning of print runs.

What's Included?
In addition to the 2,800 top scholarly journals and 100,000+ ebooks, you'll find ArtStor's Public Collections, primary sources, and open access monographs, etc. 

Why Search Here?
You are researching botany, biology, ecology, environmental, or conservation.

What's Included?
Includes academic articles, plant type specimens, and taxonomic structures. Also includes primary sources, such as plant collectors’ correspondence and diaries, illustrations, and photographs.


Why Search Here?
You are looking to find videos available for streaming.

What's Included?
Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides access to thousands of feature films, documentaries, and educational videos across a wide variety of subjects.


Why Search Here?
You are researching drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed, and possible adverse effects to the nursing infant.

What's Included?
Part of the National Library Medicine, this database contains reference entries for chemicals, including guidance for nursing mothers. Entries are peer reviewed.

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available research related to law. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals.

What's Included?
Over 560,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 230,000 authors at 467 institutions around the world on topics related to law. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You want to do scholarly reserch connected related to law.

What's Included?
Provides access to information centered on the discipline of law and legal topics including criminal justice, ethics, federal law, labor and human resource law, medical law,  and more.

Why Search Here?
You're interested in the work of librarianship, including AI, library management, information technology, information literacy, and more.

What's Included?
Full text articles from core librarianship titles including American Libraries, Reference and User Services Quarterly, and more.

Why Search Here?
You're interested in the work of librarianship, including classification, cataloging, online information retrieval, information literacy, and more.

What's Included?
Indexing and abstracting for hundreds of key journals, books, research reports in the field of library and information science. 

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available life sciences research. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals.

What's Included?
Over 250,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 380,000 authors at 475 institutions around the world on topics related to life sciences. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You are a researcher or care provider and are looking for toxicity information on a given drug as it relates to the liver.

What's Included?
From the National Library of Medicine, this resource contains information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, clinical patterns and 
management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for the Loeb Classical Library (classic Latin and Greek texts) in a digital form.

What's Included?
Virtual library of 500+ Greek and Latin texts alongside English translations. Every work is classified by language, form, genre, subject, and date, making both navigation and browsing for unexplored treasures far easier than facing all those volumes on the bookshelf. 


Why Search Here?
You are designing curriculum for or assisting high school students doing research. Not recommended for use in collegiate research.

What's Included?
Articles, reference books, biographies, and primary source documents. This database provides lexile reading level indicators and is designed for high school libraries.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available medical and health sciences research. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals.

What's Included?
Over 295,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 540,000 authors at 515 institutions around the world on topics related to education. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You are doing research on Spanish speaking populations with a focus on medical science.

What's Included?
Full text of medical science articles appearing in journals published in Latin American and Spain.

Why Search Here?
MEDLINE via EBSCO searches the same body of literature as PubMed, but without ahead-of-print or in-process citations. Indexed with the MeSH subject headings. Unlikely you will need to search both MEDLINE and PubMed. Use if you prefer the EBSCO search interface.

What's Included?
Fully indexed and peer reviewed journal articles relating to health science, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences

Why Search Here?
You are looking for testing instruments in psychology, education, business, or leadership.

What's Included?
Current and historical reviews of thousands of English-language commercially available testing instruments, including information on test purposes, publisher, pricing, population, and scores.

Why Search Here?
Search here if you need quick but trusted information on a medical topic. Search UpToDate for more thorough and current treatments

What's Included?
Reference entries covering medical conditions, procedures, and drugs.

Why Search Here?
You need evidence based reference information on a medication, or need to calculate drug dosage. A recommended point-of-care resource (along with UpToDate).

What's Included?
Current information on drugs and medication. Tools for comparing drugs and calculating dosage. Includes RED BOOK for drug pricing and manufacturer information.

Clinical Instructors and Preceptors No

GFU Students & Faculty Yes

Why Search Here?
You are designing curriculum for or assisting middle/junior high school students researching current events. Not recommended for use in collegiate research.

What's Included?
Full text of 140 popular middle school magazines, biographies, historical essays, and primary source materials. This database provides lexile reading level indicators and is designed for middle school/ junior high libraries.

Why Search Here?
Your best bet to find scholarly sources in all aspects of modern languages and literature.

What's Included?
In addition to full-text scholarly articles, check out top tabs for the MLA Thesaurus, Browse Works, and Browse Authors.


Why Search Here?
You want to explore scripts by living writers.

What's Included?
The largest digital library of its kiind, plus individualized opportunities for artists and producers to form meaningful connections.

Why Search Here?
You want to learn more or stay current in national news. This is one of two campus-wide subscriptions to online respected national news sources. 

What's Included?
Full-text online access to all NYTimes online articles, including coverage of breaking news, politics, business, technology, education, the arts, sports, science, and more. Learn more about newspaper access (including historical articles) at

Why Search Here?
You want a snapshot search across our database holdings of newspaper articles.

What's Included?
Search across 1 billion newspapers articles from hundreds of newspapers.

Why Search Here?
Broad newspaper coverage within the EBSCOhost platform. Search key terms within individual newspapers or across all publications.

What's Included?
Content includes over 500 full-text newspapers from the United States and all over the world. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks.

Why Search Here?
You are researching in business, law, or current events, especially if you are looking for legal commentary.

What's Included?
More than 17,000 news, business, and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.

Why Search Here?
You are researching topics related to Nursing or Allied Health and need to supplement previous searches in CINAHL, PubMed/MEDLINE, and SPORTDIscus

What's Included?
Journal articles, dissertations and other grey literature in nursing and related fields.

Why Search Here?
You need to consult point-of-care information on a disease, drug, nursing skill or e-book of a reference work.

What's Included?
Contains digestible summaries of diseases, skills, drugs, and other information useful to nurses. Contains e-books for reference works such as Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses. NRC app available for download (see instructions).


Why Search Here?
You are looking for complete digital access to the Oxford English Dictionary from Oxford University Press.

What's Included?
An unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
You are faculty looking for open textbooks to use in an upcoming class or you are a student looking for an overview of a topic.

What's Included?
Over 1400 open textbooks for free use or adaptation. Many are updated regularly and are written by well-regarded academics.

Why Search Here?
You want to engage with a citation index relating to the people and events surrounding the history of Oregon.

What's Included?
Digital access to catalog cards (over 700,000) that were created between 1913 and 1987. Citations are from newspapers, magazines, book chapters, and more.

Why Search Here?
You're looking for resources available to all residents of Oregon, especially if you are looking for research tools for children or teens, resources for home improvement or gardening, or information specific to Oregon.

What's Included?
Libraries of Oregon is a service by the State Library of Oregon to connect Oregonians with libraries and online resources around the state. These online resources cover a wide range of topics and offer research and life-long learning information for all ages.


Why Search Here?
You are looking for research literature that has appeared in top occupational therapy journals. Advanced search options help you find articles on specific topics, from specific journals, year ranges, authors, etc.

What's Included?
Contains abstracted and indexed articles from over 30 leading occupational therapy journals, published around the world, with coverage stretching from 1970 to present. Full text available via links to George Fox library holdings or by ILL request.

Why Search Here?
You are researching topics related to Medical Science,  and prefer using the OVID search interface. Can combine your search with other OVID products, including MEDLINE via OVID. All journals here can be found with Library Search/Primo and our other databases.

What's Included?
Full text access to over 110 journals contained in OVID, covering nursing, medicine, physical therapy, and exercise science. Access to abstracts and index information for all other journals contained in OVID.

Why Search Here?
You're looking for a specific journal published by Oxford. Consider using Primo, Google Scholar, or a subject database to more efficiently search for articles by topic, author, or other attributes.

What's Included?
Over 200 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas, two-thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations.

Why search here?
You need an up-to-date guide to scholarly coverage of a biblical topic. Useful when just starting out or when looking for further information.

What's included?
Hundreds of overview articles written by established scholars and accompanied by extensive bibliographies (recommended reading) on topics ranging from persons of the Bible to Biblical culture and archeology.

Why Search Here?
You need a convenient way to search only Oxford published titles. For a more inclusive article search use APA PsycInfo, or for e-books a Primo library catalog search.

What's Included?
Journal articles and e-books published by Oxford University Press

Why Search Here?
You're looking for authoritative surveys of current thinking and research, from leading international figures in a variety of disciplines.

What's Included?
Specially commissioned essays from leading international figures in arts and humanities, social sciences, and psychology.

Why Search Here?
You're getting started on a topic and want something more reliable than Wikipedia, or you're looking for a solid overview of a scholarly topic.

What's Included?
spans 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias.


Why Search Here?
You need to consult a textbook for a course (all of which can also be found by searching in Primo)

What's Included?
A collection of e-books covering topics in medical science. Also offers videos about patient assessments, case documents relating to ebook content, and images.

Why Search Here?
You want to search primary source full-text electronic editions in philosophy.

What's Included?
Significant collections in the history of political thought and theory, religious studies, education, German studies, sociology, the history and philosophy of science, economics, and classics. InteLex acquires and develops definitive editions of the full corpora of the seminal figures in the history of the human sciences, including published and unpublished works, articles, essays, reviews, and correspondence. 

Why Search Here?
You want to find work published by George Fox University Library.

What's Included?
Pennington ePress is the academic open press of George Fox University Libraries. Its mission is to publish academic works by authors who are either affiliated with George Fox University or who have work in research areas of significant interest to the university. In addition, Pennington ePress includes some public-domain, out-of-print books of relevance and interest to the university or Northwest Yearly Meeting.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available physical sciences and mathematics research. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals. Subjects include earth sciences, computer sciences, environmental sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics & probablity, applied mathematics.

What's Included?
Over 290,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 380,000 authors at 468 institutions around the world on topics related to physical sicences and mathematics. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You are designing curriculum for or assisting elementary school students in doing research on a variety of topics. Not recommended for use in collegiate research.

What's Included?
Abstracts and indexing for 90 popular elementary-school magazines, with over 70 full-text. Each article is assigned a Lexile number (a reading level indicator).  It also includes Funk & Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia and an Encyclopedia of Animals.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for full-text scholarly journals with articles in the social sciences and humanities for the interdisciplinary academic study of Hispanic and Latin America and the Caribbean Basin.

What's Included?
It offers key titles in English, Spanish and Portuguese indexed in the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI), a highly respected database produced by the Latin American Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles. 

  • Good Starting Place

Why Search Here?
This database is actually a combination of many ProQuest databases, meaning it searches across many disciplines at once. Use this for early research or for interdisciplinary topics. Also consider Academic Search Premier or Library Search/Primo.

What's Included?
Articles from thousands of journals, dissertations, working papers, reports, and more. Subjects include Arts & Humanities, Business, Health and Medical, Current Events/News, Science & Technology, Social Sciences, and Interdisciplinary. 

Why Search Here?
You want to browse only the eBooks available from ProQuest. We recommend using Library Search/Primo to see eBook results from all of our platforms.

What's Included?
Approximately 250,000 eBook titles from across the disciplines.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for articles, reports, or news in the field of business. This is one of two primary databases for research in business, and particularly recommended for students at the undergraduate level.

What's Included?
a mixture of practical and theoretical business content including company, industry, and country reports, scholarly journals and eBooks, videos, dissertations, newspapers, and more. Includes the ABI/Inform collection.

Why Search Here?
You did not find what you were looking for in APA PsycINFO. This tool offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counseling.

What's Included?
Hundreds of full-text psychology journals, about half of which are indexed in APA PsycInfo.

Why Search Here?
Useful for those researching Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or trauma from the perspective of psychology, counseling, or social work

What's Included?
Bibliographic database providing access to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other mental health consequences of traumatic events. Fully indexed with PTSD and trauma-focused thesaurus.

Why Search Here?
You can search for chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more. Useful to supplement your previous searches in SciFinder.

What's Included?
Open repository of chemical data, contributed by government agencies, chemical vendors, journal publishers, and others. Contains information on chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, safety, toxicity data, and more.

Why Search Here?
Search here if your research relates to public health and you need to supplement your previous searches in PubMed/MEDLINE.

What's Included?
Full text and abstracts Journal and news articles, trade publications, reports on issues related to public health. Indexed with the ProQuest Thesaurus.

Why Search Here?
You are conducting research in the medical sciences, biology, engineering, or other STEM fields. Powerful searching available with the MeSH index of subject headings, which is available in its most browsable form via PubMed. 

What's Included?
Abstracting and indexing database for articles relating to health science, the allied health fields, and the biological and physical sciences. PubMed is a version of the database MEDLINE that has been made freely available by the National Library of Medicine, and which includes some additional content. Full text links provide access to George Fox-owned content and/or help you to place an Interlibrary Loan request.


Why Search Here?
You're looking specifically for trade publications or newspapers with a smaller (regional) focus. May be helpful when news searches in larger business databases return an overwhelming number of results. These publications are included in Primo's Newspaper Search.

What's Included?
Over 400 business journals, newspapers, and magazines from major metropolitan areas and many more rural communities around the US.

Why Search Here?
You've already searched in ATLA Religion and are looking to see what else may be out there on the topics of world religions, theology, ministry, or philosophy.

What's Included?
Roughly 300 primarily academic journals; some overlap with ATLA Religion and Religion Database (ProQuest).

Why Search Here?
One of our two primary databases for religious studies and theology, use ProQuest Religion to find articles and disseratations.

What's Included?
Titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
You are looking for electronic disserations and theses in programs connected to ministry, theology, and religion.

What's Included?
Primarily citations and abstracts of dissertations and theses. Some full text, especially in more recent content.


Why Search Here?
You are wanting to browse a particular journal or set of journals published by Sage. All journals here can be found with Library Search/Primo and our other databases. Consider using a subject-specific tool for topical searching.

What's Included?
Almost all Sage Journals, including their complete backfiles, including over 950 peer-reviewed journals.

Why Search Here?
You want to browse a particular journal or set of journals published by Elsevier. Search here if you need to supplement your previous searches in PubMed, Google Scholar, or the GFU library catalog (Primo).

What's Included?
Contains abstracts of journal articles and e-books published by Elsevier. All titles are accessible through a GFU library catalog search or interlibrary loan request.

Why Search Here?
Recommended database for all those researching chemistry or any adjacent topic. Search for a given chemical substance with a text search or use the draw search to draw the chemical structure of the substance you are seeking. Includes tool to search for information on reactions between specific chemicals.

What's Included?
Contains journals, articles, patents, conference proceedings, and technical papers relating to chemistry, and other scientific disciplines including biomedical sciences, materials science, engineering, and agricultural science. Note: You must create an account to use SciFinder.

Why Search Here?
You want to watch high definition of live performances of William Shakespeare's plays at the Globe Theatre in London.

What's Included?
21 full-length plays with leading actors including Mark Rylance, Stephen Fry, and Roger Allam’s Olivier Award-winning role as Falstaff in Henry IV.

Why Search Here?
You are designing curriculum for or assisting elementary school students in doing research on a variety of topics. Not recommended for use in collegiate research.

What's Included?
Newspaper, magazine, and reference book content from publishers such as Britannica, World Book, Rosen Publishing Group, Enslow and ReferencePoint Press.

Why Search Here?
You are designing curriculum for or assisting K-12 students in doing research on a variety of topics, ideas presented in a pro/con format. Not recommended for use in collegiate research.

What's Included?
Provides pro and con arguments on current complex social issues.

  • Freely Available Resource

Why Search Here?
Part of the Digital Commons Network, this open access database provides access to a wide array of available research in social and behavioral sciences. This tool is particularly useful for dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and small university press journals. Subjects include communication, sociology, psychology, economics, public policy & political science, social work, disability studies, leadership studies.

What's Included?
Over 700,000 full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work written by over 435,000 authors at 540 institutions around the world on topics related to social and behavioral sciences. You can also ""Follow"" authors and publications to receive monthly email updates on new work in that field.

Why Search Here?
You need to find literature in anthropology, criminology, economics, international relations, political science, public policy, social work, or sociology. Especially useful if your topic falls under more than one of those topics.

What's Included?
Abstracts, indexing, and full-text coverage of journal articles, books, and dissertations in the fields of politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education

Why Search Here?
You are looking to better understand a particular topic in the practice of social work, or you are building social work curriculum or training and want to find video content as well relevant readings.

What's Included?
Over 100 hours of client demonstrations, documentaries, and training video plus complimentary readings illustrating the complex and challenging realities social work students will face as practitioners. Covers Children and Families, Diversity, School Social Work, Older Adults, Substance Abuse, Criminal Justice, Mental Health, Health Care, Poverty, Crisis and Trauma, Social Welfare, and History of Social Work.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for point-of-care information, authoritative clinical overviews of a topic, or clinical resources written specifically for social workers. Excellent quick access tool and starting point for deeper research.

What's Included?
Evidence-based quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, clinical assessment tools, continuing education modules, practices and skills, patient education handouts, and drug information, all written with a social work lens.

  • Indexed Database

Why Search Here?
You are looking for literature in sociology or social work. This is the authoritative platform for sociology and includes leading social work journals.

What's Included?
Articles from over 3000 journals, most of which are peer-reviewed.

Why Search Here?
Recommended database for all those researching topics related to kinesiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and biomedical engineering.

What's Included?
Contains abstracted and indexed articles from over 600 journals, over 400 of them peer reviewed. Full text available via links to George Fox library holdings or by ILL request.

Why Search Here?
You want to browse a particular journal or set of journals published by Springer.  All journals here can be found with Library Search/Primo and our other databases. Consider using a subject-specific tool for topical searching.

What's Included?
Thousands of high-quality full text journals and e-books published by Springer across STEM subject areas.

Why Search Here?
You need statstics or data from reputable sources, including demographic surveys, marketing and industry information, political surveys, and other survey-based data. A truly broad collection of information.

What's Included?
Statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries and around the globe.


Why Search Here?
You want to browse a particular journal or set of journals published by Taylor & Francis.  All journals here can be found with Library Search/Primo and our other databases. Consider using a subject-specific tool for topical searching.

What's Included?
Approximately 2000 journals from the Humanities & Social Sciences Collection and the Medicine & Healthcare Collection.


Why Search Here?
You are looking for authoritative overviews, definitions, and suggestions for further reading on topics related to theology or biblical studies.

What's Included?
Encompassing the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries, the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, and the Eerdman's Digital Reference Library (43 core reference titlesin religious studies), this platform will search individually or simultaneously across a large collection of definitive reference texts, many of which have not been historically available online.

Why Search Here?
K-12 teachers and student researchers can use this database to explore current events, social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom.

What's Included?
Source types include biographies, book reviews, government information, periodicals, public opinion polls, and international newspapers.


Why Search Here?
You want to learn more about a particular journal or you are looking for journals that fit specific criteria (peer-reviewed, language, publisher, or full-text availability.

What's Included?
Detailed information on more than 300,000 journals, including those in print, out-of-print, and fully online.


Why Search Here?
You are looking for current evidence-based information on medical topics, along with expert opinion to support your clinical decision making. UpToDate is our primary point-of-care resource at George Fox (along with Micromedex).

Note: When accessing for the first time, all users must register an individual account. See LibGuide for detailed instructions.

What's Included?
Entries on over 12,400 topics, continuously updated and reviewed, covering internal medicine, pediatrics, patient education, drug information, etc. Graphics are included for most topics. Links to abstracts of supporting evidence are given, and evidence is ranked on a quality scale. Tools for calculating drug dosage and interactions are available.


Why Search Here?
You are looking specifically for trade or professional publications, especially in areas like construction, automotive, food service or retail. We recommend trying databases like Business Source Complete or Academic Search Premier for more results.

What's Included?
Articles from over 300 trade and industry-related journals.


Why Search Here?
You want to learn more or stay current in national news. This is one of two campus-wide subscriptions to online respected national news sources.

What's Included?
Full-text online access to all Wall Street Journal articles, including coverage of breaking news, business, economics, finance, politics, technology, education, arts and culture, sports, health, and more. Learn more about newspaper access (including historical articles) in our Newspapers Guide.

Why Search Here?
You want to browse a particular journal or set of journals published by Wiley.  All journals here can be found with Library Search/Primo and our other databases. Consider using a subject-specific tool for topical searching.

What's Included?
Almost all Wiley journals (over 1500), covering many different disciplines.

Why Search Here?
You are looking for materials not indexed in Library Search/Primo to facilitate an ILL request. Also useful if you are looking for local libraries that may have a particular title.

What's Included?
The catalogs of thousands of libraries around the world, including records for books, eBooks, articles, dissertations, audiovisual matierials and more. This link connects to George Fox Library holdings and Interlibrary Loan Services.
