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*JDS Doctoral Programs

About Articles

A large portion of your DMin research is locating and evaluating scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles have been reviewed by a group of scholarly reviewers in the subject area of the journal. The articles found in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals are vetted for quality of research and adherence to editorial standards of the journal prior to publication.

These topic-specific databases cover religious studies and biblical scholarship at different levels, from overviews to peer-reviewed articles. Many offer additional tools for searching, like ATLA's Scripture Citation Index and Thesaurus, both of which can help you perform targeting searches for very specific topics. Be sure to read through the descriptions to see which of these might be most useful in your research.

Peer Review

Interdisciplinary Resources

Religious Studies Databases

Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

Motivation, Learning, Trauma, etc (Social Sciences)