As George Fox students, you have access to our library collections as well as print materials from our partners in the Orbis Cascade Alliance (Summit Service) or from libraries around North America via Interlibrary Loan services. Learn more about Summit and ILL on the library website.
George Fox Library collects both print and eBooks, with an emphasis on digital access for titles of particular interest to the Seminary. You can view eBooks anywhere you have internet access or download them to your personal devices. Our print collection is located at the Murdock Library in Newberg, but books from our print collection or others may be requested for delivery to your home.
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Why Search Here?
You are looking for materials not indexed in Library Search/Primo to facilitate an ILL request. Also useful if you are looking for local libraries that may have a particular title.
What's Included?
The catalogs of thousands of libraries around the world, including records for books, eBooks, articles, dissertations, audiovisual matierials and more. This link connects to George Fox Library holdings and Interlibrary Loan Services.
Known Item Search
If you know the exact book you are looking for, type the citation information (we recommend the title and maybe the author) into Library Search/Primo. In many cases, the book should appear in the first few search results. If the book doesn't appear in the first page of results, try adding or removing information (ex. search without a subtitle, add the author's name).
If the title still doesn't appear, use WorldCat to look for copies at other libraries. You can use a WorldCat record to place an Interlibrary Loan Request for a book or to quickly see if libraries in your area have a copy.
Why Search Here?
You are looking for materials not indexed in Library Search/Primo to facilitate an ILL request. Also useful if you are looking for local libraries that may have a particular title.
What's Included?
The catalogs of thousands of libraries around the world, including records for books, eBooks, articles, dissertations, audiovisual matierials and more. This link connects to George Fox Library holdings and Interlibrary Loan Services.
Topical Search
Sometimes a book is the best tool for the job, but you don't have a particular title in mind. Check out the instructions and videos on how to find print and eBooks by topic (or any other keyword) in the George Fox Library Collection and Summit. Remember, you can always ask a librarian for help!
Find Books in the GFU Libraries
To search for GFU print books, eBooks, videos, and other materials:
The initial Primo search returns results from our catalog, the shared Summit catalog, many of our databases, and the open web. To efficiently search, use the filters on the left side of the screen.
To focus on books (print or digital), use the Resource Type filter. Note that clicking on the text for a particular type will immediately apply that filter. To select more than one, place your mouse to the left of the text and check the box that appears. Click Apply Filters when done.
Remember to use the Advanced Search for more nuanced searching, and limiting by material type, language, and more.
One of the strengths of a traditional library catalog is its use of a controlled vocabulary (subject terms) to organize materials. At GFU Library, we use the Library of Congress system.
In a discovery tool like Library Search/PRIMO, you'll see the pertinent subjects in the subject term field of a record, but you may also discover additional or different subject terms applied to eBooks, online articles, and other web-based materials.
If you find a resource that seems useful, it can help to check the Subject Terms in the Primo record. These are all hyperlinked, allowing for easy additional searches.
Receive Books by Mail
When requesting materials, current employees and off-campus students may choose to have items mailed to their home address instead of being held at the Murdock Library Front Desk. This service is available for George Fox Library materials, as well as Summit and Interlibrary Loan requests. This service is not available for addresses outside the United States, nor for on-campus students requesting delivery to dorms or a campus mailbox.
Items will be checked out to you as part of the packing process for the mail. All books are shipped priority mail with a tracking number. If estimating time to arrival, remember to allow time for materials to be received and processed at Murdock Library in Newberg. If you have questions about the status of requested materials, please contact or call our front desk at 503-554-2410.
Although the library assumes the cost of shipping materials TO patrons, the patron is responsible for returning the materials to the library in one of the following ways:
Items can not be checked back in until they physically arrive at the Murdock Library. We appreciate your patience regarding materials in-transit from your home or other library locations. If you have questions about materials you have mailed back to the library, please contact or call our front desk at 503-554-2410.
Request a Chapter Scan
Just need a single chapter of a print book? For items in the George Fox Library OR one of our partners (Summit or ILL), you can request a digital scan of up to one chapter of a given title.
If you don't already have the citation information for the specific chapter, locate the record for the book in Library Search/Primo or WorldCat. Most of these records will also include a list of the Table of Contents.
In a separate tab in your browser, open your Interlibrary Loan Account ( In the menu at the top, locate Request, and then Book Chapter:
Fill out the form using the information from your citation or the library record you found and click submit.
Requests for scans from materials in our print collections are normally processed within 24-48 hours. Scans from materials from other libraries may take longer, depending on their staff, hours, and policies. You will receive an email from our Interlibrary Loan office with instructions for viewing your digital scan when it is ready.