In many library databases the address in the browser window is dynamic or contains a session ID. In these cases, copying a URL from the address bar will create a link that will not function after an hour or two. Unfortunately, once these links break, they also usually don't contain enough information for us to find the original article again without additional information. To prevent this, use a persistent link to share materials.
A persistent link (or "permalink") is a permanent, stable web address for an article. Each platform names them a little differently, but you can usually find them in the menu for sharing or saving a record.
Open the record from the search results by clicking on the linked title:
On the right side of the record, under tools, select Permalink:
A gray box will appear above the title. Copy the permalink in the box:
Open the record by clicking on the linked title:
Find the "Actions" menu in the document title bar:
Select "Link to this page":
This also works for sharing a link to search results.
Open the record by clicking on the linked title:
Open the "All options menu" in the upper right:
Select the permalink at the top of the box to copy it to your clipboard:
Open the record by clicking on the linked title:
Select "Permalink" under the "Send to" section:
Copy the link that pops up: