Listed below is a representation of the journals publishing research and policy regarding child welfare. Many of them are available electronically full text through the George Fox University Library.
Why Search Here?
You need to find literature in anthropology, criminology, economics, international relations, political science, public policy, social work, or sociology. Especially useful if your topic falls under more than one of those topics.
What's Included?
Abstracts, indexing, and full-text coverage of journal articles, books, and dissertations in the fields of politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education
The databases listed below are the primary Social Work-related databases. However, since social work crosses many disciplinary bounds, you may also wish to consult the Subject Guides for Education, Psychology, and Nursing to find out what library-licensed resources are available in those subject areas.
Why Search Here?
You are looking for testing instruments in psychology, education, business, or leadership.
What's Included?
Current and historical reviews of thousands of English-language commercially available testing instruments, including information on test purposes, publisher, pricing, population, and scores.
The following document is listing of the journals related to social work, social services, human welfare, public welfare, and other related subjects. Most journals are searchable through GFU Primo. The few that do not have full text available electronically are marked with an "*" at the end of the journal title. Articles from these journals will need to be requested through interlibrary loan. Log in to Primo and your interlibrary loan account to request the article.