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You are researching a particular country (or countries) and need to know about trade, culture, history, language, travel, education, and more.
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175 Country Guides covering 119 categories including: Culture and Society, Business Culture, Travel Essentials, Education, Embassies, Food, History, Holidays and Festivals, Human Rights, Language, Maps, Life Cycles, Money and Banking, Music, Name Structure, Religion, Security, and Local Transportation
Be sure to look at "Business Culture" and "Economy and Trade".
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You need statstics or data from reputable sources, including demographic surveys, marketing and industry information, political surveys, and other survey-based data. A truly broad collection of information.
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Statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries and around the globe.
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You need a quick and credible answer, are gathering information about a new topic, looking for a list of recommended reading in an area, or looking for a definition or overview.
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Over 2 million full text articles from over 900 dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, popular and scholarly encyclopedias, quote books and atlases, plus a wide range or subject-specific titles covering everything from accounting to zoology.
Use Credo to find authoritative background sources on a given country. Pro-tip: You can also filter your results by subject to find the information most useful to you.