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Communications Arts: Print & E-books

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How to Find Books Related to Communications

Our collections go beyond the main stacks upstairs at the Murdock Library. When searching Primo, remember that:

  1. We have access to a large amount of e-books (6:1)
  2. You can request print books from other colleges and universities from around the Pacific Northwest via Summit. 
    • Unfortunately, electronic resources owned by other institutions are not accessible

For help using Primo, see:

Our print collection is organized using the Library of Congress Classification System. Books relating to Communications are mostly found under the H and P categories, but there isn't one central category. Some helpful subsections include:

P1-85 General Linguistics
P87-96 Communication. Mass Media
P94.7 Interpersonal Communication
HD Industry, Organizational behavior, public relations, 

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias