A Precarious Peace: Yoderian Explorations on Theology, Knowledge, and Identity
By Chris K. Huebner
Peace BX 8128 .P4 H84 2006
Huebner offers an exploration of John Howard Yoder’s work in an attempt to understand the radical nature of Christian pacifism and nature of peace.
After the Conflict: Reconstruction and Development in the Aftermath of War
Edited by Sultan Barakat and Garethe Wardell
Peace HV 639 .A23 2005
Wardell and Barakat advocate that effective post war strategies come within the affected community are not effective when imposed from outside. They draw on original research from communities affected by war in the last ten years.
Arguing about War
By Michael Walzer
Peace U 21.2 .W34497 2004
Walzer, author of the classic, Just and Unjust Wars, puts forth a discussion about contemporary military conflicts. As a philosopher on the ethical issues of war, he centers on the moral issues of war and the proper use of military intervention.
Barriers to Reconciliation: Case Studies on Iraq and the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Edited by Jacqueline S. Ismael and William W. Haddad
Peace DS 61.9 .U6 B37 2007
Ismael and Haddad have collected essays and case studies from scholars focusing on the conflict, resolution, and reconstruction in Iraq, Palestine, and Israel to identify barriers to reconciliation.
Combating Serious Crimes in Postconflict Societies: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners
Edited by Colette Rausch
Peace HV 7431 .C6576 2006
Published by the United States Institute of Peace, this is book is a collection of practical prescriptions and guidance for rebuilding societies emerging from conflict.
Constructing Justice and Security after War
Edited by Charles T. Call
Peace HV 639 .C67 2007
This volume reviews successful transitions from armed conflict to justice systems that ensure security and basic rights. The transitions reviewed are culled from conflicts in Central America, Africa, the Balkans, and East Timor.
Democracy and Counterterrorism: Lessons from the Past
Editors: Robert J. Art and Louise Richardson
Peace HV 6431 .A79 2007
Contributors examine cases of democracies combating terrorism with the express goal of defining successful strategies for dealing with the current terrorist group, Al Qaeda and global jihadists.
Establishing Law and Order after Conflict
Edited by Seth G. Jones, Jeremy M. Wilson, Andrew Rathmell, and K. Jack Riley
Peace HV 7921 .E88 2005
Past successes and failures in nation building efforts in post-conflict environments is the focus of this study towards an effort to ensure world peace and security.
Getting in the Way: Stories from Christian Peacemaker Teams
Edited by Tricia Gates Brown
Peace BX 8128 .P4 G48 2005
“Getting in the Way” of violence to create change is the goal of Christian Peacemaking Teams, CPT. Tricia Gates Brown, George Fox Graduate, brings together the personal accounts of Christian Peacemaking Team members the sometimes harrowing experiences in which they find themselves.
Global Terrorism: A Beginner’s Guide
By Leonard Weinberg
Peace HV 6431 .W435 2005
Weinberg, who has served as a consultant to the UN on the prevention of terrorism, discusses the roots of terrorism and the short and long term goals of terrorist organizations.
Human Rights & Conflict: Exploring the Links between Rights, Law, and Peacebuilding
Edited by Julie A. Meritus and Jeffrey W Helsing
Peace JC 571 .C68727 2006
This book explores global conflict and the desire to have peace from the perspectives of human rights, conflict resolution, and international law. The editors posit that there are three stages of conflict in which each of these perspectives must be addressed.
Kids Working It Out: Stories and Strategies for Making Peace in our Schools
Edited by Tricia S. Jones and Randy Compton
Peace LB 3013.32 .K53 2003
Authors provide strategies and resources for educators and parents to facilitate the teaching of conflict resolution and peacemaking methods applicable and germane to the school environment.
Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World
Edited by Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall
Peace JZ 5538 .L4 2007
Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World replaces Turbulent Peace as the definitive tome on contemporary conflict in the aftermath of 9/11. It explores the new international landscape, the current conflicts, and the means of resolution.
Preventing Ethnic Conflict: Successful Cross-National Strategies
By Irwin Deutscher with the collaboration of Linda Lindsey
Peace HM 1121 .D48 2005
Deutscher has repackaged his classic, Accommodating Diversity, with the help of Linda Lindsey to be used within the framework of sociological theory. This is an excellent work for teachers and students of the current social issues of race and ethnicity.
The Quest for Viable Peace: International Intervention and Strategies for Conflict Transformation
Edited by Jock Covey, Michael J. Dziedzic, and Leonard R. Hawley
Peace JZ 5538 .Q47 2005
Viable peace is defined as the “capacity of domestic institutions to resolve disputes peacefully in such a way that the powerful motives and means for continued violent conflict are mitigated.” Drawing on the lessons from Kosovo, the editors identify the challenges and practical strategies for creating a viable peace.
Spiritual and Political Dimensions of Nonviolence and Peace
Edited by David Boersema and Katy Gray Brown
Peace HM 1281 .S657 2006
Brown and Boersema explore the theoretical and practical aspects of establishing peace through nonviolence. This book is a collection of essays on the topic ranging from the ideological to the practical.
Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism
Edited by Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans
Peace JZ 5574 .S767 2005
Written for the public, this book emphasizes the actions taken by peace movement activists, their effectiveness in changing policy as well as individuals. This is a practical handbook for becoming a peaceful global citizen.
Terrorism and the Politics of Fear
By David L. Altheide
Peace HN 90 .M3 A47 2006
What part does the mass media play in propagating a culture of fear? How does that culture of fear influence the creation of policy? These are the questions that are asked and answered by Altheide through the lens of sociology, journalism, and political theory.
UN Peacekeeping: Myth and Reality
By Andrzej Sitkowski
Peace JZ 6374 .S58 2006
Sitkwoski, who has served as an advisor to UN peacekeeping missions for over thirty years, draws on his understanding and accounts of other advisors, to provide an analysis of both positive and negative outcomes for these activities. He concludes that peace enforcement should be undertaken rather than the more passive peacekeeping.
What is a Just Peace?
Edited by Pierre Allan and Alexis Keller
Peace JZ 5527 .W43 2006
Exactly as the title indicates, this book explores the elements, descriptors, and processes of a just peace.
Who Intervenes? Ethnic Conflict and Interstate Crisis
By David Carment, Patrick James, and Zeynep Taydas
Peace HM 1121 .C37 2006
A comparative study of five global incidents of ethnic conflict becomes the milieu for defining the rubric by which ethnic conflict erupts into violence and steps that might avoid such occurrences.
Why Leaders Choose War: The Psychology of Prevention
By Jonathan Renshon
Peace U 21.2 .R46 2006
Scholar Renshon uses a comparative case study approach to determine the reasons and thinking behind leaders choosing the first strike or preventive war.
World Peace, Mass Culture, and National Policies
By William Over
Peace JZ 5538 .094 2004
Over, author of, Social Justice in World Cinema and Theatre, critiques mass culture and its ability to support peacemaking by looking at elements of public discourse such as media, film, television, public monuments, and public policy.
Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa
Edited by Robert I. Rotberg
Peace HV 6433 .A3553 C65 2005
Terrorism is a part of southern Africa as well as Iraq and Afghanistan. The conditions of civil unrest make it a fertile ground for recruiting by Al Qaeda and home grown terrorist groups. Rotberg suggests United States policy and strategies that could prove helpful in this battle.
Children at War
By P.W. Singer
Peace UB 416 .S56 2006
The practice of child soldiery is a relatively new occurrence in current world warfare. According to Singer, in the last 10 years more than 2 million children have died in combat. In this book he investigates and reports on the phenomenon.
Durable Peace: Challenges for Peacebuilding in Africa
Edited by Taisier M. Ali and Robert O. Matthews
Peace DT 30.5 .D87 2004
Durable Peace is a collection of essays focusing on the 10 African countries rebuilding from civil war: Angola, Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Each essay explores what has proven successful and what has not.
Genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda New Perspectives
Edited by Susan E. Cook
Peace DS 554.8 .G46 2006
Developed in the context of the genocide studies program at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, this volume compares and contrasts the specific occurrences of genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda. From this comparison, came some universal understandings of the phenomenon of genocide.
Getting In: Mediator’s Entry into the Settlement of African Conflicts
By Mohammed O. Maundi, I. William Zartman, Gilbert Khadiagala, and Kwaku Nuamah
Peace JZ 6045 .G48 2006
The authors look at 6 case studies of mediation in Africa with a special emphasis on the initial phase of mediation – getting in the door.
Sudan: The Elusive Quest for Peace
By Ruth Iyob and Gilbert M. Khadiagala
Peace DT 157.67 .I94 2006
Since the Sudan gained independence in 1956, it has engaged in civil and border wars. The authors explore the concept of peace for the country of Sudan and how peace can become a reality.
China’s Nuclear Future
Edited by Paul J. Bolt and Albert S. Willner
Peace U 264.5 .C6 C635 2006
These combined essays look at China’s development, use, and current program of nuclear weapons. The essays present an environmental scan of the program, philosophy, and conclude with potential scenarios.
Al Qaeda in Europe: The New Battleground of International Jihad
By Lorenzo Vidino
Peace HV .E852 Q358 2006
Vidino provides a unique look at the terrorist mind through an overview of Al Qaeda networks in Western Europe gathered from interviews, intercepted messages, and intelligence from Al Qaeda operatives.
Cradle of Conflict: Iraq and the birth of modern U.S. Military Power
By Michael Knights
Peace DS 79.76 .K62 2005
In Cradle of Conflict, Knights, a risk consultant at Jane’s Information Group, documents the conflicts and U.S. policies concerning Iraq since 1991. This narrative gives helpful context to the current situation.
From the Terrorists’ Point of View: What They Experience and Why They Come to Destroy
By Fathali M. Moghaddam
Peace HV 6432 .M62 2006
Modhaddam, Professor of Psychology at Georgetown, looks at terrorism through the lens of a psychologist. He compares the process of indentifying oneself as a terrorist to that of climbing a staircase. Based on this psychological construct, Modhaddam suggests some strategies to combat the process.
Iraq: A Journey of Hope and Peace
By Peggy Faw Gish
Peace DS 79.76 .G57 2004
Gish renders a highly critical account of the United States in the current Iraq War and especially in the invasion of 2003. This is an account of one woman’s work with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Iraq during this time.
Armed Actors: Organised Violence and State Failure in Latin America
Edited by Kees Koonings and Dirk Kruijt
Peace HN 110.5 .Z9 V5213 2004
Koonings and Kruijt expose the new factions of organized violence from urban gangs, drug mafia groups, and peasant militias that Latin America is experiencing.
Crafting Civilian Control of the Military in Venezuela: A Comparative Perspective
By Harold A. Trinkunas
Peace F 2325 .T75 2005
Trinkunas documents Venezuela’s transition to democracy from military rule and the management of the military in that transition. He compares Venezuela to Argentina, Chile, and Spain to identify what democracies must do to maintain civilian control of the military.
Bridging the Divide: Peacebuilding in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Edited by Edy Kaufman, Walid Salem, and Juliette Verhoeven
Peace DS 119.76 .B745 2006
This book chronicles the peace making efforts of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the past decade with a retrospective look at the process since 1870. It concentrates on the specific work of NGO’s and includes an extensive directory of those organizations involved in this process.
Making Sense of Suicide Missions
Edited by Diego Gambetta
Peace HV 6545 .M252 2005
Gambetta, a sociology professor at Oxford University, has gathered essays on the phenomenon of suicide bombers. Authors of the essays gathered information from organizers and recruiters in a number of arenas striving to understand the need to kill and the need to die.
Manufacturing Human Bombs: The Making of Palestinian Suicide Bombers
By Mohammed M. Hafez
Peace HV 6433 .P25 H34 2006
Manufacturing Human Bombs details the culture of the Middle East that creates this phenomenon. It describes the process of those who decide to become suicide bombers and those who employ them.
Peace in Tatters: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East
By Yoram Meital
Peace DS 119.76 .M44413 2006
The author, an Israeli, begins his look at peace in the Middle East with the 2000 Camp David peace summit and the peace that did not emerge. He then covers the peace process from 2000-2005 and concludes with what must be done to bring about lasting peace.
The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace
By Dennis Ross
Peace DS 119.76 .R68 2005
Dennis Ross was the American diplomat in charge of the Middle East peace process from 1998-2001. This book is his painful recounting of the process and its unsuccessful conclusion.
When the Rain Returns: Toward Justice and Reconciliation in Palestine and Israel
Prepared by an International Quaker Working Party on Israel and Palestine
Peace DS 119.76 .W44 2004
The book describes the experiences of eleven Quakers, all part of a Quaker working party, who visited, interviewed, and gathered information about all they saw and heard in Israel and Palestine. They talked with over 90 people during the gathering of their information in order to better frame an understanding of the situation.
Peace Processes and Peace Accords
Edited by Samir Kumar Das
Peace HN 670.3 .Z9 S62 2005
Rights, justice, and democracy are the seeds of lasting peace according to Das’ collection of essays exploring the process of peace.
Hungry for Peace: International Security, Humanitarian assistance, and Social Change in North Korea
By Hazel Smith
Peace DS 935.65 .S55 2005
Smith, United Nations advisor and Professor of International Relations at the University of Warwick in England, contends that the famine in North Korea in the 1990’s and the subsequent aid given have made some significant change. She maintains that the humanitarian aid did produce some acceptance of international norms by Pyongyang.