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FoxTALE Managing Groups: Creating Groups

Creating Groups

How to Create Groups

In the Navigation drawer on the course home page select Participants
In Participants click on the Actions menu and select Groups 
You can auto create groups or build them manually

Auto-Create Groups


  • Click on Auto-create groups
  • There are two naming schemes for auto-creating a set of groups:
    • Type the @ sign to produce groups A, B and C
    • Type the # sign to produce groups 1, 2 and 3
  • Build groups based on one of these criteria:
    • the Number of groups you would like to have or 
    • the number of Members per group 
  • Preview the groups and Submit 

Manually create groups


  • Click on Create group
  • Name the group and Save Changes 
  • Select the group and click on Add/Remove users
  • Select names and click on Add


Delete Groups


  • Select one or several groups
  • Click on Delete selected group
  • Save

Changing Enrollments


  • To change enrollments in a group
  • Select the group and click on Add/Remove users
  • Select names and click on Remove
  • In the Potential members list select names and click on Add 
