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FoxTALE Managing Resources: Adding a Web Page

Adding a Web Page

How to Add a Web Page to the Course Site


  1. In the course site, Turn editing on.
  2. Click on Add an activity or resource.
  3. Select Page and Add.
  4. Give the resource a name.
  5. There are two text editors.
    • The first text editor provides the option of adding a Description of the web page.
    • The second text editor, which is labeled Page Content, is the location in which the instructional content should be added. This is the editor for the actual web page that will display for students.
  6. In the web page we can
    • Add and format text 
    • Add an image
    • Embed video
    • Use Accessibility Tips to make the Page user-friendly
  7. In order to add embedded code, click on the HTML icon in the text editor toolbar. This changes the text editor display to HTML source, where the code can be pasted.
  8. Save and Display in order to see the web page. Save and return to course to move back to the course home page. 

Students will see on the course home page a link to the Page. When they click on the link, the Page will display and include FoxTALE navigation so that students can easily move from the Page to other content in the course site.

TIP: Always use the Firefox browser


Director of Digital Learning

Profile Photo
Gloria Doherty
Subjects: Digital Learning