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Project Portfolio -- Seminary Doctoral Programs

Introduces key library resources and services available for successful completion of the doctoral project portfolio research process.

About Articles

A large portion of your research is locating and evaluating scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles have been reviewed by a group of scholarly reviewers in the subject area of the journal. The articles found in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals are vetted for quality of research and adherence to editorial standards of the journal prior to publication. In general, you will be spending a lot of time in various Ebsco Databases, which you can search simultaneously. Various features you will want to use are discussed below in the embedded tutorials from Ebsco.

Video - Creating an Advanced Search (2min. 38 sec.)

How to use the three-box advance search in an EBSCO database, as well as options for limiting or expanding results of a search. Good place to start if you are new to online research, and recommended as a brush-up for current researchers.

Video - Using the Result List (3 min. 39 sec.)

Learn how to filter search results in an EBSCO database by type, date of publication, subject, and more!

Video - My EBSCOhost Folder (3 min. 13 sec.)

Create a free EBSCOhost account to personalize your search experience and access advanced functions.  Learn more at How to Use the My EBSCOHost Folder.

Video - Creating a Search Alert (1 min. 28 sec.)

Learn how to set up an alert for new results to your favorite search strings in an EBSCO database. Alerts are generated by newly added materials (usually, but not always new publications).

EBSCO Articles Search Databases

Below is a list of additional Ebsco databases (like ATLA) you can search to find articles in various religious and theological research journals. You can choose to search multiple EBSCO databases simultaneously by following these steps:

1. From the library home page, click the "Ebsco Articles" link

2. Where it says, "Searching: Academic Search Premier," click the "Choose Databases" link 

3. Click on the boxes for the databases that are relevant to your search (ATLA, etc.)

4. Click the yellow "Ok" button

5. Begin searching!

NOTE: If you search in a database individually, you will be able to take advantage of the tools specific to that database. For example, ATLA has a Scripture index tool and Thesaurus that will help you search strategically using terms used by the database rather than simple keywords.