How to Add an Embedded Video in a Canvas Page
In your Canvas course site
- Enter Modules
- Click on a module's Plus icon to add an item
- In the Add dropdown list, select Page
- Select Create Page
- Type the Page Name
- Save Item
- At the bottom of the module, locate the page and click on the page title (i.e., Page Name) to enter the page
- Click on Edit
- Click in the Text Editor
- In the Text Editor toolbar locate the Cloud icon to Embed
- In the Embed text box paste the video embedded code
- Submit
- At the bottom of the page click on Save
How to Locate and Copy Embedded Code in a YouTube Video
In YouTube
- Select a video
- Below the video player click on Share
- Click on Embedded
- Click on Copy to copy the embedded code to your computer clipboard.
You are now ready to paste that code into a web page.
This process is demonstrated in the video segment at Adding Embedded Video