Internet Psychology Lab
This multimedia, interactive website presents many of the classic demonstrations and experiments of psychology.
Nielsen's Psychology of Religion Pages
There is no better website on the psychology of religion.
The Personality Project
A well-organized, academic site, with good content and suggestions for further reading.
Social Psychology Network
An excellent portal to the world of social psychology on the Internet.
World Database of Happiness
This site is a collection of available studies on happiness, or “subject well-being.” More than 7,000 publication, 759 measures of happiness, and 1,500 studies covering 165 countries are included on this site.
APPIC Online Directory
A directory of professional psychology internship and postdoctoral training sites throughout the USA and Canada. This site is from the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers.
Careers in Psychology
Have you ever wondered what you could/can do with a degree in Psychology? The Careers in Psychology web site provides information on psychology-related careers as well as internships that are available.
Buros Institute of Mental Measurements
The Buros home page includes citations to reviews of educational and psychological tests citations; descriptions of tests, and names and addresses of over 900 major commerical test publishers.