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Canvas Getting Started: Viewing Student Activity

Viewing Student Activity

How to View Student Activity in the Course Site

Canvas New Analytics shares information on the specific assignments in which a student was active on a specific week...

  • Enter People (Also in Grades)
  • Click on the student's name
  • In the Details box, click on New Analytics

    Click on New Analytics button
  • Select the Weekly Online Activity tab
  • Click on the three vertical dots to select Data Table from the Options menu

    Select Weekly Online Activity tab and in the Options menu select Data Table
  • In the data table identify a week and click on its hyperlinked date range.
    This produces a list of all activities in which the student participated during the specified week. This includes participation in an assignment even though that assignment has a Due Date outside of the range of the specified weekly activity report.
  • By viewing the weekly reports you can see when the student was active in specific assignments (e.g., posted a week in advance of a weekly discussion).


    You can arrive at this level of reporting by this path:

  • On Home page select New Analytics

  • Select the Weekly Online Activity tab
  • Click on the three vertical dots to select Data Table from the Options menu
  • Identify a week and click on the Participation hyperlinked percentage
  • This produces the roster of students and the participation number for each. Click on a student's name and follow the path described above for the individual student's detailed report of activities.


    These two paths help you determine if a student did not post in a specific week, but more importantly, to efficiently see exactly how a student was engaged (Participation) in each week.
