How to Adjust Notification Settings to Receive Announcements to Email
If you would like to receive Announcement postings to your email, check your Canvas Notification settings at the account level and within course sites.
- In the Navigation bar select Account
- In Account select Notifications
- Scroll down to the setting Announcements, which controls announcement postings sent to your email account when a student in a course
- Click on the Bell icon to change the setting to
- Notify Immediately - to receive each individual Announcement posting as an email
- Daily Summary - to receive all Announcement postings in a daily batch
- Weekly Summary - to receive all Announcement postings in a weekly batch
- Notifications Off - to stop delivery of Announcement postings to your email
- Move to the setting Announcements Created by You and click on the Bell icon to adjust email delivery frequency for Announcement postings you make in courses
If you would like to control Notifications within a course, which will override Account Notifications, you can adjust Notification settings within an individual course.
- Enter a course site
- On the Home page select View Course Notifications
- Locate the Announcements and Announcements Created By You settings and click on the bell icon to adjust email delivery frequency
Announcement Notifications are only delivered from Published courses. If a course is unpublished, Announcement postings display in the course Announcements, but those postings are not delivered to email. If you want Announcement postings to deliver as email Notifications to students, be sure to Publish the Course before you begin posting in Announcements.