How to Send Announcements to Student Email Accounts
When you enter Announcements and post a message, that message is delivered to the email account for each student enrolled in the course. This is a very effective way to communicate instructional information to all students in the course.
Before you post the first announcement in your course, confirm that the course site is Published. Announcement Notifications are only delivered from Published courses. If a course is unpublished, Announcement postings display in the course Announcements, but those postings are not delivered to email. If you want Announcement postings to deliver as email Notifications to students, be sure to Publish the Course before you begin posting in Announcements.
To post an announcement
- Enter Announcements
- Click on the +Announcement button
NOTE: Only +Announcement postings process in Notifications to students; Replies made by faculty or students do not process in Notifications to students
- Enter a Topic Title
- Write your message in the Text Editor
- Save
If you are concerned that your announcement posting has not delivered to student email accounts